Middletown (2012-2013)

A project in collaboration with Wesleyan University to engage the university and broader Middletown community in discovering, sharing, and repurposing the sounds around them. The project ran from 2012-2013,culminating in a festival in May 2013 featuring performances, installations, and other events drawing from the sounds collected by the Middletown community over the course of the past year. More information at http://www.middletownpress.com/general-news/20130329/middletown-remix-to-culminate-in-sound-festival-2.

Archive of sounds, images, and remixes for Middletown :

UrbanRemix sounds and images are licensed under a Creative Commons Sampling Plus license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0/). Please reference the Urban Remix web site (http://urbanremix.gatech.edu) in any works which incorporate content from this site.